Mangrove Guardians of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is home to a diverse range of mangrove ecosystems that play a crucial role in protecting our coastal communities from the impacts of climate change, such as sea level rise and severe weather events. These mangroves also provide important habitats for a wide variety of plant and animal species, many of which are found nowhere else on earth. Unfortunately, these vital ecosystems are under threat from human activities such as urbanization, agriculture, and industrial development. That's why we're asking for your support to help us protect and preserve Sri Lanka's mangroves through our "Mangrove Guardians of Sri Lanka" initiative. With your help, we can fund important conservation efforts such as mangrove reforestation, community education programs, and research to better understand the unique needs of these ecosystems. Your support will not only help protect the mangroves, but also the communities and wildlife that depend on them. Join us in becoming a "Mangrove Guardian" and help us ensure a sustainable future for Sri Lanka.


Mangrove Guardians of Sri Lanka

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Donation Total: $100.00

One Touch Of Nature Makes The Whole World Kin

Now, more than ever, the disastrous impacts of climate chang and environmental degradation are affecting human lives. In order to combat these rising issues and to mobilise a youth force towards such a cause. The club will be a space for youth volunteers from any part of the country or from any association to join hands together and work towards environmental protection and conservation, through active participation in related programmes and initiatives.


One Touch Of Nature Makes The Whole World Kin

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Donation Total: $100.00

Brighter Future Educational Programme

The Centennial Academy, an education and literacy program in Sri Lanka aims to provide underprivileged children with the opportunity to receive a quality education and improve their reading and writing skills. The program targets rural and urban areas where access to education is limited, and focuses on providing resources and support for both students and teachers. By providing these children with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed, we hope to break the cycle of poverty and give them the chance to build a brighter future. Your support will help us to provide resources such as e-textbooks, school supplies, and teacher training. Additionally, your donation will also help to improve the learning environment, for example, by building new classrooms to improving Centennial Academy LMS platform and upgrading existing ones. All donations goes directly towards improving the lives of these children and helping them to achieve their full potential. With your help, we can make a real difference in the lives of these children and their families through Centennial Academy program. "Join us in our mission to support the next generation of leaders and learners. Our fundraising efforts will go towards building new classrooms and finishing existing ones, as well as providing books for students in need. Education is the foundation for a brighter future, and every donation counts. Help us make a difference in the lives of young people and invest in their education today."


Brighter Future Educational Programme

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Donation Total: $100.00

Weaving a Brighter Future: Supporting Sri Lankan Weavers

Sri Lanka is known for its rich cultural heritage and traditional handloom and batik weaving. These ancient arts have been passed down through generations, and continue to be an important part of the country's economy and identity. However, many weavers in Sri Lanka struggle to make a living wage and lack access to markets for their products. Community Empowerment through Weaving aims to change this by supporting local weavers and promoting their work to international audiences. We work with weavers to improve their skills, provide them with fair wages, and connect them with buyers who appreciate the beauty and quality of their handloom and batik products. Your donation will go towards funding workshops, marketing efforts, and the development of new products. Your support will not only improve the livelihoods of Sri Lankan weavers but also help to preserve and promote the traditional art of handloom and batik weaving.


Weaving a Brighter Future: Supporting Sri Lankan Weavers

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Donation Total: $100.00

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